Janie Dress Love

This is your friendly reminder to start sewing those dresses so they can be worn all summer long! This is the third Janie Dress (sizes: 6mo – 12yrs) that I’ve made for Vanessa, and she LOVES it. She wears these dresses anytime they’re clean, and I love watching her walk down the sidewalk and then randomly twirl. She even does … Continue reading “Janie Dress Love”

Little Girl Dresses

I’m still playing a little bit of catch up with the things I’ve sewn and thought it would be fun to share the two dresses that I sewed for Vanessa last month. Her birthday is in July, so I sewed the peach-colored eyelet dress for her and finished it just in time! I used some fabric that I got at … Continue reading “Little Girl Dresses”

Blog + Life Update

Hi friends! Just a little blog name update — This is now The Sewing Things Blog! When I started blogging 6 years ago, I had just started sewing, and still wasn’t committed (read: scared) to making this a sewing blog. My husband and I did a lot of different things that I would blog about, so ‘The Doing Things Blog’ … Continue reading “Blog + Life Update”