Janie Dress Love

This is your friendly reminder to start sewing those dresses so they can be worn all summer long! This is the third Janie Dress (sizes: 6mo – 12yrs) that I’ve made for Vanessa, and she LOVES it. She wears these dresses anytime they’re clean, and I love watching her walk down the sidewalk and then randomly twirl. She even does … Continue reading “Janie Dress Love”

Me Made May Reflections

And just like that, it’s already the end of May! I hope that means that you’ve had warmer days lately. We’ve finally made it past the rainy days in the Lisbon area, and I’m so happy that summer is here. Every year during the month of May, the sewing community has a fun challenge called ‘Me Made May,’ and I … Continue reading “Me Made May Reflections”

Chalk + Notch – Sun Tote

I’ve had good intentions of sewing a tote for the beach ever since we moved to Portugal last summer, but I didn’t get around to it before winter. This is the Sun Tote by Chalk + Notch and it’s a FREE pattern if you sign up for their newsletter. I used a heavy weight cotton denim from Divazus. I don’t … Continue reading “Chalk + Notch – Sun Tote”

Daughter Judy – Genra Shirt

I think this just might be one of the coolest things that I’ve ever made. I found this fabric on the Divazus website a few months ago when I was looking for unique animal prints. I fell in love with this large Panther print right away. I thought it was really cool but also…borderline terrifying. The coolness outweighed the terrifying, … Continue reading “Daughter Judy – Genra Shirt”