Olya Shirt

It took me years to work up the courage to make my first Olya Shirt (up to 57.5 hip), and I finally made it in August of last year. I just dove right in and didn’t make any alterations to the pattern, and it still turned out great. I loved making it, and when I was finished, I wanted to … Continue reading “Olya Shirt”

Vintage McCalls 7939

I haven’t sewn a single thing since the end of September, right before we went to Portugal. The holidays were a lot more hectic and exhausting than I though they would be, so I’m very relieved to have made it past everything and to be starting the new year. I was feeling so anxious about sewing again, so I just … Continue reading “Vintage McCalls 7939”

Black Free Range Slacks

I’ve made the Free Range Slacks so many times now that I’m starting to feel like a broken record. But at least that’s a good sign that I really love them! …Or a sign that I need to not be so afraid of trying to sew other pants patterns. Haha. You can be the judge. If you are interested in … Continue reading “Black Free Range Slacks”

Vintage Butterick 6531

I have been trying to get my hands on this vintage Butterick pattern (6531) for literally years, and I finally found a copy of it on Etsy a few months ago! I had been looking for it ever since Jasika Nicole posted her version — which is probably why it’s been so popular, and I haven’t been able to find … Continue reading “Vintage Butterick 6531”

Tazzy T-Shirt

I made this Tazzy T-Shirt quite a while ago…at the beginning of June to be exact. I turned out SO cute, but we were in the middle of a lot of house projects, and I only wore it once before it was too warm to wear. I’m very excited to share it now though, especially since we’re in the 60-70s … Continue reading “Tazzy T-Shirt”

Free Range Shorts

If you saw the Free Range Slacks that I made a few months ago, don’t panic, these are not those! This is the same Free Range Slacks pattern by Sew House 7 (up to 65″ hip) though. The pattern pieces for this pattern were smaller than my other shorts pattern, which meant I could more easily play pattern Tetris (AKA … Continue reading “Free Range Shorts”

Little Girl Dresses

I’m still playing a little bit of catch up with the things I’ve sewn and thought it would be fun to share the two dresses that I sewed for Vanessa last month. Her birthday is in July, so I sewed the peach-colored eyelet dress for her and finished it just in time! I used some fabric that I got at … Continue reading “Little Girl Dresses”

Sew LaLa Rumi Top

I knew I had to have this pattern when it got released, and I bought it right away. It looks a little bit similar to the Envelope Dress that I sewed a couple years ago, but it’s quite a bit different. I really like that the Envelope Dress is a no waste pattern, but the neckline wasn’t very comfortable for … Continue reading “Sew LaLa Rumi Top”