
Today I am grateful to be able to talk to my mom on the phone every day. That’s probably a little crazy to some people, and others would avoid having to talk to their mom every day, but I’ve made it a thing to call my mom everyday on the phone. Last year we were both having a hard time, … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”


Yesterday I taught the lesson in Sunday School, and there was something I read that really hit me. “Sometimes we want to have growth without challenges and to develop strength without and struggle. But growth cannot come by taking the easy way. We clearly understand that an athlete who resists rigorous training will never become a world-class athlete. We must … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”


Today we are in Las Vegas staying with Dallas’ sister and her husband, and it has been a fun time staying with them. It’s nice to get out of Cedar City to see and do some new things. We really love to travel and see family and friends, but it always makes me realize how much I am grateful for … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”


Today while getting Christmas cards ready to mail out (yay!), I was getting kind of cold, so I went over to the thermostat and turned on the heater. I also was getting hungry, so I walked over to the oven and turned it on. I didn’t have to chop down a tree today. I didn’t have to chop wood today. … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”


This week is finals week so you could say I’m going to be pretty grateful when it’s over (Partaaay!!), but I’m also very grateful today. Last week we noticed that Dallas’ loan’s where accruing interest, so we decided to pay them off… What? Who does that? Thankfully we were able to, but I know many people aren’t so lucky. Today … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”


My parents have this giant window above their front door and I took this picture through it last weekend when we were there for Thanksgiving (and my birthday!). Killer view, right?? Today was a very stressful day towards the end of it, and my angel husband made me dinner and helped me edit photos for my photography class, because sometimes … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”

DIY Knit Pencil Skirt

Fabric: Thick knit fabric from Jo-Ann Fabric Pattern: Mimi’s DIY Pencil Skirt Tutorial When I go to stores and see their stretchy fabric skirts, I always get this glimpse of hope that one might just fit me. Every time, it turns out to be a complete fail, and even the x-large is too tight. It’s times like these when sewing knowledge … Continue reading “DIY Knit Pencil Skirt”


Out of all the Grati-Tuesdays this year, I hope you take a minute or a few this week to realize how blessed you really are. Dallas and I have written ours down on a poster I put up earlier this month in the hallway and it’s gotten pretty full. This week I am grateful for good health. Last week I … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”


Without getting too controversial, today I am grateful for an education. I am grateful that I was lucky enough to be born in America. I am grateful that I was lucky enough to be born into a family not in poverty, who was able to love, support, and take care of me. I am grateful that I was lucky enough … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”