Wardrobe by Me – Men’s Tropical Shirt 2.0

Tropical Shirt | Wardrobe By Me
Tropical Shirt | Wardrobe By Me
Tropical Shirt | Wardrobe By Me

And we’re back with the other selfless sewing project that I finished this Fall!

This Tropical Shirt has been finished since October, but it quickly got chillier here, so Dallas hasn’t had a chance to wear it. Today was miraculously in the 60s, and he was very excited to wear it with shorts.

I made his first Tropical Shirt in 2020 out of a cotton/linen, and he really liked the style and fit. This time, I made it out of a washed cotton poplin. Dallas is 6’6″, so I added 2″ to the length and made the largest size with no other modifications. It does look a little bit large on him since he’s been running, and I probably should have retaken his measurements, but he doesn’t mind.

For shirts in this style, I almost always follow the construction process of the Willamette Shirt. It just makes more sense to me, and I love the way everything gets so nicely enclosed. I still followed the beginning and end instructions for this pattern, and they are very well done.

Although I had better intentions of finishing it before summer ended, Dallas is still very happy to have it now. Happy sewing! xoxo

2 thoughts on “Wardrobe by Me – Men’s Tropical Shirt 2.0”

  1. Nice job, Tori! Dallas’s shirt looks great on him. I love that your talent for sewing has not overtaken your life, but blends nicely into your adventurous family life. Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you, Grandma! I fit it in when I can, but don’t make myself feel bad when I can’t. It feels like a good amount most of the time and I love it too. 🙂

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