Mandala Genra Shirt

Alright! Back to [semi]regularly scheduled sewing for myself (no more Lego playmats)! Thanks for sticking around though that.

I have so many colorful button-up shirts and blouses pinned on my Pinterest, and I knew I needed to make one. I was a little bit on the fence about using the Roscoe pattern to make it look more like the top middle photo (below) or the Genra. But I’ve made a lot of Roscoe Blouses over the years, and I really wanted the design to be more like the Genra because I thought it would show off the print, and I didn’t want the print to get lost in the gathers of the Roscoe.

Colorful Shirt Inspiration

My Genra Shirt from last year was one of my favorite makes, and I wore it so much all summer long. I bought this beautiful cotton voile fabric in November 2023 as my birthday present to myself and had my heart set on making a long sleeve Genra. Just over a year later, and I’ve finally made it!

Genra Shirt by Daughter Judy | The Sewing Things Blog
Genra Shirt by Daughter Judy | The Sewing Things Blog

I used the same pattern pieces from when I made my first Genra, so the bodice and front faces were already lengthened by 2″. I used the same size (large) that is the closest to my body measurements.

I was really nervous to lengthen the sleeves on this pattern, since I’ve had bad experiences with lengthening shirt sleeves too much before. But luckily, I had my short sleeved Genra, and I was able to figure out the right amount. I lengthened the sleeves by 2″ and I really can say that it was the perfect amount for me. I was so happy when I put the shirt on and realized that I didn’t have any pulling from the sleeves being too short, and I didn’t make them too long either! That was a huge relief!


Fiskars Sewing Ruler, 3" x 18" Acrylic Ruler with Gridlines, Sewing and Quilting Supplies, Arts and Craft Supplies, Clear

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Fiskars Sewing Ruler, 3" x 18" Acrylic Ruler with Gridlines, Sewing and Quilting Supplies, Arts and Craft Supplies, Clear

Fiskars Sewing Ruler, 3" x 18" Acrylic Ruler with Gridlines, Sewing and Quilting Supplies, Arts and Craft Supplies, Clear

Quilting Ruler- 12.5 * 12.5" Slotted Rulers for Quilting and Sewing Quilt Strip Rulers for Fabric Precise Cutting

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Quilting Ruler- 12.5 * 12.5" Slotted Rulers for Quilting and Sewing Quilt Strip Rulers for Fabric Precise Cutting

Quilting Ruler- 12.5 * 12.5" Slotted Rulers for Quilting and Sewing Quilt Strip Rulers for Fabric Precise Cutting
Genra Shirt by Daughter Judy | The Sewing Things Blog
Genra Shirt by Daughter Judy | The Sewing Things Blog

I was so exhausted from cutting all of this fabric out. I was trying so hard to get the fabric print just right on all of the pieces, and it took forever. I thought I had cut the front pieces correctly so that the front lined up correctly, but I didn’t, and it was going to look SO. BAD. So, I panicked, obviously, and then found the one large piece of fabric that I had left over. By some serious miracle, the piece fit almost perfectly in the front pattern piece that I needed to recut.

I cut a new front piece and had to use two scrap pieces to cover a small area at the top side seam in the area that gets folded over from the collar. I was so meticulous about matching the two areas, but you can’t even see either of them when I’m wearing the shirt. Haha. I’m still just so amazed that I was able to get it to work, otherwise I was going to be majorly disappointed.

Genra Shirt by Daughter Judy | The Sewing Things Blog
Genra Shirt by Daughter Judy | The Sewing Things Blog

I share more about pattern matching the front and more details about this pattern in my first Genra blog post — So if you’re interested in reading more about that, check out that blog post. To finish it off, I chose some matte black buttons that wouldn’t stand out too much and distract from the mandala pattern. I’m really happy with that decision.

Unfortunately, this fabric is sold out and I was very unimpressed with the fabric store that I bought it from. After waiting weeks for it to be delivered (I thought it was coming from inside of Portugal, apparently it was coming from the UK??), I received the wrong fabric. Plus, I was never sent any tracking or updates about either of the deliveries. I’m glad that I finally got this fabric, but I won’t be ordering from there again.


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Otylzto Premium Plastic Clips, 100 Pcs with Box, Sewing Notions for Sewing Quilting Supplies Crafting Tools, Assorted Colors for Craft

Otylzto Premium Plastic Clips, 100 Pcs with Box, Sewing Notions for Sewing Quilting Supplies Crafting Tools, Assorted Colors for Craft

Hump Jumper Sewing Tool – 2Pcs Hemming Tool for Seam Aid & Rolled Hemmer Foot, Essential Sewing Accessories and Tools

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Hump Jumper Sewing Tool – 2Pcs Hemming Tool for Seam Aid & Rolled Hemmer Foot, Essential Sewing Accessories and Tools

Hump Jumper Sewing Tool - 2Pcs Hemming Tool for Seam Aid & Rolled Hemmer Foot, Essential Sewing Accessories and Tools
Genra Shirt by Daughter Judy | The Sewing Things Blog
Genra Shirt by Daughter Judy | The Sewing Things Blog

I’m very happy with how this beautiful shirt came out, and I’m so relieved that I was able to fix my cutting mistake. With my wide legged jeans, Dallas said that the look was giving some 70’s flower child vibes. I’m just missing a headband and some good sunglasses!

Thank you for reading my blog today and happy Genra sewing.

<3 Tori

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4 thoughts on “Mandala Genra Shirt”

  1. B.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l. blouse! The color is great on you. (I absolutely love red, but with my pale complexion – “pasty” come February – I always feel washed out.) And BTW, your first Genra blouse is my favorite on Instagram!

    1. Thank you, Lodi! I’m so glad you liked my first Genra, too. 🥰 I get a little bit nervous with red too, but I think the other colors help it not be too overpowering.

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