
Today I am grateful for color. I thought about writing this, but then I had a blind student walk passed me a minute ago and knew I had to write it. Life would be so dull without color or not being able to see at all. I am grateful for a Good who has given us wonderful bodies and this … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”


One of my favorite quotes is, “What you take for granted, someone else is praying for.”  I was talking to my mom other day and we weren’t talking about this quote specifically, but the same principle. We were talking about a book that I got us both when we were having a rough time at the beginning of the year.  … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”


The change in seasons aren’t too good to me and I get sick with something this time of year, every year. Last week I had an infection and I really couldn’t take it anymore, so I went to the doctor for antibiotics. This is when you know I’m desperate, because I have been allergic to every antibiotic I’ve taken in … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”


If you saw our Summer Favorites post, you can probably tell that I’m a little obsessed pictures of the sky. I was talking to Dallas the other day and told him that in my art classes, some of my teachers say how pictures or paintings of the sky can be a little bit cliche sometimes. But when I see the … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”

Summer 2015 Favorites

 + Groovefest & Kanarraville Falls – At the end of June, Dallas’ and my families came to see us! Cedar City is basically named Festival City because we have so many stinkin’ festivals. Groovefest is actually one of the really fun ones, so we went Friday and Saturday night to look around at booths and enjoy all of the bands … Continue reading “Summer 2015 Favorites”


You know how on Mondays people always ask you, “How was your weekend?” and most people just say “good” because no one can even remember what they just did for the last two days anyways?Well, today I had a few people ask that question, but I could vividly remember my weekend. Dehydrated and sick on Saturday, then catching little mice … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”

DIY Dress

Fabric: Gray Jersey Knit from The Loft (Micheal Lavine’s Upstairs) Pattern: similar and similar Last first day of school… until we’re both officially graduated at least! Then I get to take classes for “fun”. Who does that? With Dallas having staff benefits, it would be dumb of me not to take classes for really cheap. Last week, Dallas was so … Continue reading “DIY Dress”


I am grateful for weeks after Dallas’ busy work weeks, when he gets to come home and doesn’t have to work all night. Last week he was helping a lot with orientation set ups and worked some really long days. One day he came home after I had gone to bed, and left before I had to wake up. Dallas … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”