What small thing that happened to day are you grateful for?
I’m grateful for every time Dallas hugged me today. Wednesday is my due date and I had a doctor appointment today, so it was a little rough to hear that I was basically at the same dilation as last week.
I am so behind grateful to be pregnant, but the waiting game at the end is seriously killer. Not to mention everyone telling you to have the baby already, when I –more than anyone in this word–would love to have this baby already.
So, I was very grateful to have Dallas with me all day today when I had a few mental breakdowns and other times when I just needed him to come and sit by me for a few minutes. I am so grateful to have him in my life. (FYI – Baby has until next Wednesday, and then I’ll be induced.)
So, what are you grateful for today? I would love to know. 🙂
I am grateful for beautiful music. Maben and I and my parents got to go to a Jim Brickman concert in Richfield last night, and it was so amazing! It was a lot of Christmas music as well as some of my other favorites. I just love to watch a professional pianist’s fingers move all over the piano, making no mistakes! It’s so magical. 🙂