I follow one of the local radio stations on Facebook and the thing that I look forward to them posting every Tuesday, without fail, is Grati-Tuesday. It should be a thing. It is at least in my world and the Planet 94.1’s.
I usually re-post it and say what I’m grateful for that day and see what everyone else is grateful for too. I have been a little bit of a slacker and haven’t re-posted it, because sometimes I feel like I’m being annoying on Facebook. Plus it’s been a stressful month with school, work, traveling…Ya know–Life.
I really enjoy taking a few minutes out of my week to think about things I am grateful for though and it helps me have a more positive perspective since I’m a little bit of a pessimist. Haven’t you wondered why people like Thanksgiving and Christmas so much? Because they are focused on what they are grateful for during those months.
Why do we have to stop being grateful after December??
This is one thing I know I can be consistent at, and I am going to work hard to keep posting it here. I hope it inspires and uplifts you to think of the things you are grateful for, and if you feel so inclined, please share! I would love to hear what you are grateful for.
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This week is busy. I had my capstone paper for my college degree due Monday at 11:59pm, and Friday I have a 5 page art history research paper due as well. So of course I haven’t done laundry for two weeks (maybe longer), and I haven’t done dishes for like 5 days.
Dallas helped me do all of the dishes so I could sit at the counter without wanting to gag, he helped switch laundry, and he even helped my with my paper, because at this point I’m pretty much brain dead.
I finally finished the paper at 9pm (3 hours early!), and I was SO happy and seriously relieved. We went downstairs to get the rest of the laundry and then dumped it all over our bed. It was basically a huge mountain of laundry. Dallas doesn’t like doing laundry very much, but he always helps me, so I figured I would give him a break from folding this time.
During that half hour of folding and hanging up clothes, I had some time to think. I realized how grateful I was for a dishwasher that cut down washing my dishes to about half the time or more, and a a washer and dryer that our landlord lets us use for free that cuts down hours and hours of me having to wash all of those dirty clothes by hand. Technology is seriously amazing and I am SO grateful for it.
Now it’s your turn. What have you noticed lately that you are grateful for? I would love to know. 🙂